Friday, September 19, 2008

SOS... Someone help us!!!

As many of you know, we are facing very challenging, economic times in the United States. The Federal Government has taken SHORT-TERM (we'll see about that) measures to help stem the current financial situation we are in.
I consider this situation very important to follow and know what is going on. The Federal Government has basically put trillions of dollars on a credit card and you and I get to pay for it. Should the government have bailed out these companies? The earnings for the CEO of AIG, Martin J. Sullivan, was over $34 million in 2007. What a salary for a company that is asking the Federal Government for a $85 billion revolving credit.
As you read this article, I encourage you to think about the choices the US Government has made. Are they really protecting the economy and the people of America? You decide...,2933,425261,00.html