Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Does anyone know what is goin on?

Does anyone know what is going on in Washington? This bailout seems to be the biggest mess that our country has gotten us into. Just this pasted week, I heard that US Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, has changed his policy with the money that Congress has given him. With Henry Paulson being ex-head of Goldman Sachs, I thought he would have been able to properly disperse $700 billion handed to him by Congress.
Mr. Paulson has already given $125 billion to the nation’s nine biggest banks, $125 billion to some regional banks, and another $40 billion to AIG. So it seems that this didn’t work. Wasn’t the first $700 billion supposed to unfreeze the credit market? Shouldn’t this have helped people who are looking at foreclosure be able to come out of it? Why didn’t the first $700 billion translate into more lending? It seems that Henry Paulson likes to dance around these questions, because he doesn’t know what the hell is going on either.
And as of November 25, Paulson has unveiled a new $800 billion to boost lending and the housing market. I believe that the amount of money issued for this bailout is way too much to have just one man dispersing it as he sees fit. These are the hard earned dollars of the taxpayers in this country, and it is going back to the irresponsible, greedy people who got us in this mess.
How can we trust our government? Is this even constitutional to bailout such a minority when it might not even affect the majority of Americans? We definitely need public input into these sorts of matters. And we want our government to control our healthcare system? I don’t think so! This bailout is a prime example of when the government needs to back off and allow everything to ride itself out.
A line needs to be drawn soon so this can all stop. The next time I need financial help, I hope someone is as quick to respond as our leaders were to these irresponsible companies.

Fed's $800 billion package aims to unlock lending

Friday, November 14, 2008

My thoughts on the Electoral College...

Here are my thoughts on a friend's blog concerning the Electoral College...

Although I do love the idea of the popular vote being the ultimate decider of our President, I believe the Electoral College does what it was originally set to do. Since 1876, only three times did the electoral vote did not reflect the popular vote. I think it might be safe to say that the Electoral College is very reflective of the way people do vote in America. Look at this past election. Obama won 356 electoral votes and the popular vote. One reason the Framers did set up the Electoral College was fear of a crazy psycho who would manipulate the public and then be in the most powerful position in the country. I do know times have changed and people have good discernment and would be able to sense someone’s motives, but you never know. As well, It also brings power to the small states. It would need a constitutional amendment ratified by 3/4 of states to have the system changed. Are the smaller states really going to agree to this? I don’t think so! 

Check out his blog and my comment: What Is Going To Happen Next?